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Free Tools & Resources

I hope you find these resources helpful. Don't hesitate to contact me at

if you have any questions or need any further guidance.

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WHeel of Life

The Wheel of Life is a simple but powerful tool that helps you visualize all the important areas of your life at once. By looking at a visual representation of all the areas of your life at once, the wheel helps you to better understand which of your life areas are flourishing and which ones need the most work.



SMART Goal Workbook

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Download this worksheet to help you achieve your short-term goals.



Time Management Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix is a simple tool for considering the long-term outcomes of your daily tasks and focusing on what will make you most effective, not just most productive. It helps you visualize all your tasks in a matrix of urgent/important.


Action Priority Matrix

The Action Priority Matrix is a simple tool that helps you choose which activities to prioritize, and which activities to delegate or eliminate. This helps you make the best use of the opportunities available to you. The matrix has four quadrants:

  1. Quick wins

  2. Major projects

  3. Fill-ins

  4. Thankless Tasks.

To use the matrix, make a list of your ongoing activities and goals. Score each task on impact and effort, using a 0 to 10 scale. Next, plot your activities on the matrix, and then prioritize, delegate, or drop activities appropriately.




"Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.”

~ Peter Drucker

Want to be a more effective leader? Keep a leadership journal. Creating a journaling ritual will help you become more self-aware, more strategic, and improve your EQ and effectiveness. Use this guide to help you get started.


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